Z SoccerChic9: The way I feel...tonight
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Welll, it's actually not night....but it's a line from a cheesy song, so I just quoted it for no real reason..other then I could. Anyhow, I officially feel like someone stuck a blender in my head and swished everything around...it's kinda odd actually. It's like I was so sure about everything, and all of the sudden, I can't remember my name. Which leads me to believe that having any or some sort of memory loss would be a really odd thing. I saw an Oprah show about that once, and I don't even like Oprah...but there was a person, and they lost their memory completely while they were in an airport.

I wonder if there is something in airports that makes memory loss more common. After all, I still need to watch the Terminal...because it's one of those movies that came out a long time ago and I said I needed to watch it, but I haven't yet.

The Phantom of the Opera is in New York right now, and I want to go see it...but since I am not in New York, I have decided I will watch the latest movie instead.

Do you know that the Silver City Theatre has really junky show times...I come to that conclusion after hanging with Gus and us wanting to watch a movie, but there was like no showings starting at any time between 7:35 and 10:05...what's with that. So, we went mini putting instead....I wish I could say that I kicked his butt...but not quite...I didn't want to show off.

You know what would be funny...if Tigger Woods practiced on a mini putt green....that would make me laugh to myself. Not chuckle, because chuckle is a bright pink colour rose that grows in green houses, and it's not very pretty.

My younger sister likes pink..and that kinda wierds me out...cause pink is girly, and as of yet there has been no girly girls in our family. I am struck by how odd that is...like where did she get it from.

So, that leads me to conclude that this is a case of nature and nurture working together to make people who they are.
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